Wing Chun Kung Fu: Hung Fa Kwoon
Wing Chun Kung Fu: Hung Fa Kwoon Wing Chun Kung Fu: Hung Fa Kwoon Wing Chun Kung Fu: Hung Fa Kwoon

How can I support the HFY organization even though I live far away from the closest school?

- Allen Kong, 9th Generation HFY Disciple (San Francisco)

The World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association offers annual memberships to its visitors who are interested in the art, but due to circumstances, cannot become a member of a Hung Fa Kwoon.

The cost of the annual membership is $108 per member and is due on January 15th of each year. The membership includes discounts on Hung Fa Yi events, products, and newsletters, among other things. Included in the membership, your name will be posted in the Hung Fa Yi website as a supporter of the Association.

For more information, email us at

Thank you for your interest and support of the Hung Fa Yi wing chun lineage.
