How can I learn more about HFY and the specifics of the style?
- William Elliopulos, 9th Generation HFY Disciple (San Francisco)
The best way to learn more about Hung Fa Yi is to call us and set up an appointment with the Hung Fa Kwoon in your local area.
We are proud to announce the addition of the International Hung Fa Yi Instructors Program.
We also recognize that there are many people who live far away and are unable to train on a steady basis. If you are a serious professional martial artist who can make occasional trips to the Hung Fa Yi headquarters in San Francisco please contact Grandmaster Gee directly.
One very good way of learning more about HFY is through the Southern Shaolin Global Kung Fu Discussion Forum. This forum is open to the public with the hopes of communicating and sharing personal insights into Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun as well as other styles of kung fu. There is also a private section for Hung Fa Yi members only which is available to paid members.
Last but certainly not least is the first of what we hope are many professionally written martial arts books which cover the very deep system of Hung Fa Yi. The Hung Fa Yi family is very proud of the outcome of this extensive undertaking. Thanks to the unselfishness of Grandmaster Gee for sharing the information to the public and for the contributions of Grandmaster Hoffman, Master Meng, Sifu Lowenhagen and everyone else who spent numerous hours to ensure the books success. Books: Mastering Kung Fu: Featuring Shaolin Wing Chun